Fall 2019
Religion 261/History 205
Religion 261 has been renamed! History 205: Introduction to Family History Doctrine and Practice will debut in fall semester 2019. This class is two credits and fulfills a religion elective. Multiple sections are available each semester. Designed for those with an interest in family history – no matter their skill level – who want to build on what they’ve learned in Sunday School, via mission service, or from their own efforts.
History 206
Thematic and Regional Studies in Family History also debuts this fall. This course, previously Religion 293R, is a one-credit class open to all skill levels. It covers genealogical research in a particular location or for a particular group. Topics for fall 2019 are: African-American, French/Italian, Scandinavian, Scottish, and Spanish/Portuguese. Topics for Winter 2020 are: Dutch, East Asian, English/Welsh, LDS, Russian, Scandinavian, and Spanish/Portuguese.