Faculty Research Grant Opportunities Skip to main content

Faculty Research Grant Opportunities

Open to all full-time BYU faculty for genealogically-focused research.

Application Deadline: October 1st.

The Center for Family History and Genealogy encourages high-quality research with an explicit genealogical focus and recognizes that seed monies are often important in incubating such research. Consequently, a limited number of research grants are made available each year to full-time BYU faculty to help them jump-start genealogically-focused research. The Center for Family History and Genealogy may support such activities as: compiling databases useful to genealogical research, conducting community mapping, prosopography studies that could have a genealogical application, or creating pedagogical tools that would be used in genealogical research. Research must be short-term and have an academic outcome as well as a public (online) outcome that will remain available to the public indefinitely.

Priority will be given to faculty whose project requires serious student involvement and high-quality genealogical research skills. Applying genealogical research in combination with other fields of study is encouraged. For example, biology and genealogy for DNA research, geography/mapping and genealogy for migration research, etc.

Grants are capped at $5,000 per proposal but may vary in actual amount. Computer support, work space, server space and CFHG student employee resources are available. However, all student employee supervision will be the responsibility of the faculty member receiving the grant.

Funding is not available for part-time, retired, or adjunct professors. Faculty who receive research grants are expected to contribute to the intellectual life of the Center for Family History and Genealogy. Future publications should acknowledge support of the Center. All grant recipients are required to submit a one-page memo at the end of the year reporting on the use of CFHG funds. Funds are available for use in the year awarded.

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  1. The significance/innovation of the research: Describe the project’s potential to significantly add to genealogical knowledge and research, including but not limited to, how it might refine, improve, or apply new applications, theoretical concepts, methods, or interventions to genealogical knowledge or practice.
  2. The approach: Explain the merits of the design for accomplishing the specific aims of the project, as well as the appropriateness and feasibility of the method, including, where applicable, measurement and data analysis plans.
  3. The timeline: Describe the abilities of the investigator to carry out the project in the specified time period.
  4. The research environment: Are all the tools necessary to fulfill the research available to the applicant and are qualified students available to conduct the research?
  5. The final project: Evaluate the feasibility of producing an online product that is publicly accessible and rigorously genealogically useful. Please note it is possible to delay public release of data until after publication. Additionally, research that reflects a public aspect of a larger publication will be considered.

Faculty who have received Center for Family History and Genealogy research grants in the past will not be considered for additional funding for the same research project unless they demonstrate they have made significant progress on their research. This will be measured by, but not limited to, the following criteria:

  1. Evidence of seeking other funding for continuation and/or expansion of the research.
  2. Evidence of outcomes, including articles submitted for publications, research presentations at professional meetings, student mentoring, etc.
  3. Projects designed to be short-term (under 1 year, with possibility of renewal for a second year).

Faculty may not be awarded more than two grants on the same or related topic over a period of three years.

How to Apply: Fill out the Research Grant Application and return it to 1031 JFSB or email it to cfhgoff@byu.edu.

Click here for application