This lesson covers various programs available for recording and organizing family history information.
The purpose of this lesson is to make individuals aware of the role of Family Tree on FamilySearch and of the various programs that are available to record and organize their family tree. It will also help them understand the benefits and importance of using such a program.
Information should be recorded in Family Tree when one is confident about the relationship, event, and/or dates. Until then, the use of another genealogical program is beneficial.
When entering information in Family Tree, it is helpful to others to see where the information came from. Therefore, one should always include the specifics about where the information was obtained.
Providing contact information is also helpful so that those interested in your research can contact you for information.
When recording source information it is important to use a consistent format.
This template is helpful in knowing how to record source information.
There are additional programs to consider when choosing a genealogy program. Among these are several commercial programs that are FamilySearch certified (see website below). FamilySearch certified programs provide features that are compatible with Family Tree.
Free trials and tutorials are available for these programs at their websites. Some even offer free versions that can be downloaded.
To see the description of the program Roots Magic, the BYU Religion 261 online workshop offer Lesson 1: Roots Magic.
If you are a Mac user, the BYU Religion 261 Lesson 2.3- Mac Programs has information on which genealogical programs you can use.
Most genealogical programs offer tutorials, either within the program or on their website, to help you become familiar with how to use the program.
There are benefits associated with using a personal genealogical software program along with recording information in Family Tree. Some of those benefits are:
Having a place to record information before you are confident enough to add it to Family Tree.
The ability to print reports that include living relatives.
The ability to print reports and charts such as:
Pedigree Charts
Family Group Records
Chronology Reports
Timeline Reports
Source Citation Reports
LDS Ordinance Reports
The ability to quickly access organized family history information.
The ability to keep notes connected to the individual they are associated with, which facilitates organization.
The ability to organize photographs and documents by linking them to the associated individual they pertain to.
The ability to easily share the information you have collected with family members and others who are interested.
The ability to provide a complete source citation with each event documented. Most programs include a template for constructing sources which takes the drudgery out of creating source citations.
The ability to print out reports that include living relatives.
Suggested Additional Assignments
Choose a software program and begin your personal family file.
Enter any information into the program that you have collected from family sources, including a source citation.
If you have chosen to use Roots Magic or Legacy, you can begin your file by importing information from Family Tree.
If computers are used in the Sunday School class, have members save their files to thumb drives so that they can work their file at home and in class.
If class members have received family files on any genealogy program, now would be a good time to create their own files from this information. Creating their own family files will make it easier to organize data and verify information.