Slavic Research
Internet Sites
- Federation of East European Family History Societies
- Repositories of Primary Sources: Europe
- The Society of Germany Genealogy in Eastern Europe
- German-Bohemian Heritage Society
Resources at the Center
- East Central and Southeast Europe: A Handbook of Library and Archival Resources in North America
- Polska Atlas Samochodowy
- Langenscheidt’s New College German Dictionary: German-English, English-German
- The German Research Companion
- German Genealogy Research Guide Dictionary
- Historic Map Library: Europe 1856-1920
- Passenger and Immigration Lists: Germans to America 1875-1888
- Vital Records Index Western Europe: Alpine, Benelux, French, German, Italian, and Spanish Records
- World Family Tree: European Origins, Volume E1
- Wuerttemberg Emigration Index 1775-1925